前陣子在查Plain English的時候找到一篇自己覺得很棒的文章。
蘋果日報 2004年07月19日 論壇 - I Love Plain English
I Love Plain English
David Tang
The whole point of language is to communicate. So what better way than to do so plainly?
Trying to speak plainly will help improve our English. Do not let people tell you that simple English is not good English. It's the best English. Do not believe that formal English is better than informal English. Or that there is a "business" English. Or that conversation English should not be written. English is English. If there is any rule, it is that plain English is best.
(有些人口語都說不好,還妄想寫出漂亮的英文。老實說,一般人一天真正花在寫英文看英文的時間有多少?一下筆就妄想「出口成章」,結果只是寫出四不像的英文,還不如乖乖寫plain English)
Do not use big words. Being fluent in English is not about vocabulary. It's about use. You cannot learn English by learning from or reading the dictionary. You have to learn how to use the words together. And choose the correct word.
So let's all start speaking and writing plainly. Shortening all your sentences would be a good start. Try writing in short sentences. This style of writing is known as "staccato". Staccato is the plucking of a string on the violin. As we all know, this can sound as beautiful as when the strings are played with a bow. So if we can be beautiful as well as plain, what more can we want?
有興趣者,可多看The Economist的文章,單字運用精確,句型結構清楚簡單,洗鍊的風格,絕對可以讓有心增進英文能力者受益無窮。
蘋果日報 2004年07月19日 論壇 - I Love Plain English
I Love Plain English
David Tang
The whole point of language is to communicate. So what better way than to do so plainly?
Trying to speak plainly will help improve our English. Do not let people tell you that simple English is not good English. It's the best English. Do not believe that formal English is better than informal English. Or that there is a "business" English. Or that conversation English should not be written. English is English. If there is any rule, it is that plain English is best.
(有些人口語都說不好,還妄想寫出漂亮的英文。老實說,一般人一天真正花在寫英文看英文的時間有多少?一下筆就妄想「出口成章」,結果只是寫出四不像的英文,還不如乖乖寫plain English)
Do not use big words. Being fluent in English is not about vocabulary. It's about use. You cannot learn English by learning from or reading the dictionary. You have to learn how to use the words together. And choose the correct word.
So let's all start speaking and writing plainly. Shortening all your sentences would be a good start. Try writing in short sentences. This style of writing is known as "staccato". Staccato is the plucking of a string on the violin. As we all know, this can sound as beautiful as when the strings are played with a bow. So if we can be beautiful as well as plain, what more can we want?
有興趣者,可多看The Economist的文章,單字運用精確,句型結構清楚簡單,洗鍊的風格,絕對可以讓有心增進英文能力者受益無窮。
譯文:The museum is accessible to wheelchair users at information counter.
應改為:(The Museum is wheelchair accessible.) Wheelchairs are available at the Information Desk.