
Greenland, it’s simply amazing.

Last night when we went back to hotel, the long-awaited voucher has finally arrived, at the last minute, phew. We open the file, expecting to find a detailed itinerary of what we will be doing for the next four days. Instead, there is only small piece of paper indicating that we should be at the domestic airport at 9:10. What! Is this all the information we are going to get? Seems like we will really be traveling ‘independently’ now.



The weather in Greenland doesn't sound too promising according to the BBC weather report (will never trust them again). The flight is half a hour behind schedule. But we are not worried, the view from above is just too amazing! Just like the Titanic.



Ohmygod, the plane keeps going down, but all I can see is the sea and the icebergs. I can’t swim. Help! Wait, a runway suddenly appears out of nowhere.


Ok, this is my first helicopter flight. I am terrified. The helicopter took off and flew over ice-capped mountains and glaciers. I never imaged I would see the land like this. It's just breathtaking. Is it really possible that there’s a village with 1,500 people and an upscale hotel nestled in these mountains?



And there it is! The chopper flew over another mountain top and a quiet bay opens before our eyes. The houses are painted into bright pastel shades of red, blue, yellow, and green set against a blue blue sky.



We arrived just in time for lunch. Great, full board, and buffet, too. And I just ate everything on the plane thinking we’ll starve in Greenland ! Salad greens and smoked salmon. No wonder this package is so expensive. 



The lovely maiden serving lunch said that we were lucky to get in. The weather isn’t good and there are many people waiting for the chopper to get out of Ammasalik. Is that what they call ‘bad weather’? No wonder we found a tour guide’s article on the internet saying how he was ‘stuck inGreenland ’. 


The local Innuits look a lot like Eskimos, or Mongolians. They are very friendly, especially the children, who tried to attract our attention either by kicking a football in our direction or following us on their bikes. 


bored to death?還好我有帶工作來做,真是「在世界的最北端」翻譯。大家各忙各的,看小說,整理照片,工作,期待著六點的晚餐。
The hotel sits right at the top of the village. The climb on the way back was good exercise. But it’s only three o’clock and that was it for today. We’ve basically got nothing to do for the rest of the afternoon, except waiting for dinner. That’s a nice prospect. I have a chilling prospect of being bored to death. Thank goodness I've got work to do. 



Dinner is onion soup and roasted beef with peas and mashed potatoes. Yummy. Say byebye to my starve-and-lose-weight-in-Greenland scheme.




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